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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

Sorting of results :

- Cross-sectional study on migrants' paths and profiles

Head : Lhommeau Bertrand, Bureau Jeunesse, famille

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Cross-sectional study on migrants' paths and profiles

Head : Lhommeau Bertrand, Bureau Jeunesse, famille

Main objective

This survey is intended to better understand the route, different trajectories (residential, professional, family) and use of social services of individuals who come to obtain a residence permit of at least one year in France and having a vocation to settle in France with stability. It also explores the vision and expectations that these migrants have for France and how these elements influence their trajectories in France. It specifically deals with understanding the migratory plan, its evolution over time, its individual or familial character, how it is modelled by institutions and the administrative categories with which the migrant is confronted. This allows for questions about the articulation between the migratory plan and the integration process. The two-part interview allows for introducing temporality into the understanding of this process, and to observe any connections between the evolution of the migratory plan and the living conditions encountered over the course of the first year with a residential permit.

Inclusion criteria

Foreign individuals of legal age (18 years or older) accepted by the Agence nationale de l'accueil des étrangers et des migrations (ANAEM) between June and October 2006 who were asked to sign a reception and integration contract (CAI).
This survey deals with individuals eligible for a CAI, i.e.
- spouses of French citizens
- other relatives of French citizens
- beneficiaries of the family group
- refugees or members of their family
- individuals authorised due to personal and family connections in France (VPF 12 bis 7).

EuroSC - The European Schizophrenia Cohort

Head : Jean Michel Azorin
Bebbington Paul

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


EuroSC - The European Schizophrenia Cohort

Head : Jean Michel Azorin
Bebbington Paul

Main objective

The main aim of EuroSC is to report on the different types of treatment and care, as well as clinical outcome.
Secondary aims include: assessment of treatment requirements in relation to outcome, calculation of resource usage with regards to different care methods and identification of prognostic factors.

Inclusion criteria

Patients between 18 and 64 years old at baseline;
Established schizophrenia diagnosis;
Participant consent

PHASTE - Cohort of Patients in General Medicine: High Blood Pressure Study

Head : Mourad Jean-Jacques

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


PHASTE - Cohort of Patients in General Medicine: High Blood Pressure Study

Head : Mourad Jean-Jacques

Main objective

The aim is to extensively map hypertensive patients monitored by general practitioners, focusing on level of pulse pressure.

Inclusion criteria

Subjects with uncontrolled hypertension (SBP >140 mmHg and/or DBP >90 mmHg), either treated or not treated.

- Cross-sectional study of year-10 students in the Languedoc-Roussillon region

Head : Desmartin-Belarbi Valérie

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


- Cross-sectional study of year-10 students in the Languedoc-Roussillon region

Head : Desmartin-Belarbi Valérie

Main objective

The objectives are:
- to establish a collection of reproducible information in a school environment from representative samples of the enrolled population that will be able to provide better knowledge of the health condition of students, to identify risky behaviours of adolescents
- to optimise the practice of health care professionals of the national education system and to promote the homogenisation of practices.

Inclusion criteria

Students in one of the high schools of the Montpellier school district.

- Cross-sectional study on the elderly: association of benzodiazepine use and repeated falls

Head : Beauchet Olivier
Rossat Arnaud

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


- Cross-sectional study on the elderly: association of benzodiazepine use and repeated falls

Head : Beauchet Olivier
Rossat Arnaud

Main objective

the objectives of this study were to examine whether benzodiazepine use has been associated with recurrent falls while taking into account the effect of potential confounders

Inclusion criteria

Subjects aged 65 and over, volunteers, examined in one of the 3 health centres of Lorraine

HHORAGES - Cohort of Children from Women Exposed to Synthetic Hormones During Pregnancy

Head : Soyer-Gobillard Marie-Odile

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


HHORAGES - Cohort of Children from Women Exposed to Synthetic Hormones During Pregnancy

Head : Soyer-Gobillard Marie-Odile

Main objective

The aim of this cohort is to establish the causality between taking synthetic sex hormones during pregnancy and the onset of disorders in children from these pregnancies over a relative long term period.

Particular attention is paid to mental health disorders including: recurrent depression, anorexia, bulimia, manic depression, and schizophrenia that are related or not related to defects and/or malformations.

Inclusion criteria

Volunteers born between 1946 and 1995.

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